Take Action Alert: lighting up landmarks for World TB Day 2025
Tuberculosis (TB) is the deadliest infectious disease in the world. And yet, it is both preventable and curable! Governments around the world – including Canada – need to step up and address this epidemic right now.
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We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture, to prevent disease, reduce poverty, and keep children in school, starting with a bold investment in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
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We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture by making a strong pledge to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. This October, as we mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the International Day of the Girl Child, we celebrate the progress made and dream big for a future with health equity and free of poverty.
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TAKE ACTION ALERT: URGENT CALL to flood social media to boost global immunization
Canada has the power to protect children worldwide by supporting Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance – use your voice on social media to boost global immunization NOW!
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A call for renewed commitment #ForOurFuture: Canada's vital role in global vaccine equity
Achieving equitable immunization rates requires a unified effort to prioritize Indigenous health outcomes and ensure equal access to life-saving vaccines for all.
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G7 Summit: an update on Canadian leadership
Last month, G7 leaders met to address global challenges and Canada responded to our call! Learn more about the outcomes and how we can continue advocating for Canada to #ReachEveryChild.
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Childhood Interrupted: Canada must champion children in emergencies at June’s G7
According to the UN, more children have been killed in Gaza since October than from four years of world conflict. This is unacceptable and Canada must step up.
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Alif Chowdhury - Communications Officer
Meet Alif, our Communications Officer and the whiz behind our digital media! Read about her journey here.
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African health-equity advocates take action: celebrating young Black history-makers
In honour of #BlackHistoryMonth and our 2024 campaign to #ReachEveryChild, Results Canada is paying tribute to 10 incredible young Black history-makers in global health, education, nutrition, climate, and gender equality throughout February.
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Dominique Denoncourt - our Policy and Advocacy Officer
Meet Dominique, our Policy and Advocacy Officer who works tirelessly on our maternal and child health files. Read about her journey and lessons learned here!
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