Results Canada is a grassroots advocacy organization that believes in mobilizing everyday people to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. We combine the voices of our volunteers with strategic areas of focus to leverage resources for programs and improved policies that help realize people's rights to health equity, quality education, and economic opportunity. We believe that ending poverty is possible, that proven solutions exist, and that together we can change the world.
No one should suffer or die from preventable diseases or lack opportunities because of where they were born. That’s why we work every day to bring an end to extreme poverty, where people live on less than USD$ 2.15 per day.
According to the United Nations, extreme poverty is defined as “struggling to fulfil the most basic needs like health, education, and access to water and sanitation”.
767 million – or one in ten people on the planet live in extreme poverty. It is a place where hunger and disease thrive; where too often children don't live to reach school age - let alone attend school, and where simple necessities like a toilet are considered a luxury.
Ending poverty is Goal #1 of the 17 goals of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. The goals have been set by the United Nations and are a blueprint – a guide – for people, organizations, the private sector and governments all around the world to work together to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all. Canada has committed to the Sustainable Developments Goals (SDGs) but we lag behind other high-income countries in terms of how much we give in Canadian aid. With only 0.31% of Gross National Incomes (GNI) going to Canadian aid, we are a long way from the globally agreed upon target of 0.7%. To put this in perspective, that represents just 31 cents for every $100 Canadians earn.
Investing to end global poverty is not about being charitable. As a leader on the world stage, it is in Canada’s strategic interest to ensure that it continues to fund programs to support people living in poverty. Extreme poverty leads to country instability and has an adverse effect on the kind of systems that create healthy environments and safe communities.
We are a nonprofit organization independent of any government funding. Our power lies in our people – especially our volunteers, the unsung heroes. They are passionate and committed individuals who aren’t looking for recognition, but rather want to make a difference in the lives of other people.
Since we began almost 40 years ago, we have seen global poverty reduced to half using the incredible power of conversation combined with education and action. Together with staff, our board, volunteers, partners, and champions, we raise our voices with Canadian government decision makers and the media to influence the changes needed to end poverty with improved policies, more effective programs, and increased resources.
To develop and thrive we all need good health. Nutritious diets, access to health services, and living in a clean and safe environment all play a role. Learn more.
Quality education is one of the most effective and efficient ways to lift people out of poverty and reduce inequality. Learn more.
Access to decent work and financial services, and social protection are critical for the growth and sustainability of people and communities. Learn more.