news & events

We keep you informed on the latest updates on our key issues: health equity, quality education, and economic opportunity. Want to stay up to date with all our news and events? Sign up to receive email updates.


G7 Summit: an update on Canadian leadership

Last month, G7 leaders met to address global challenges and Canada responded to our call! Learn more about the outcomes and how we can continue advocating for Canada to #ReachEveryChild.

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the power of youth: transforming global decision-making 

Young people will have to live with the consequences of the decisions made today but they are largely absent from decision-making tables. This needs to change.

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Annual Report 2023

As we continue pushing for progress in the effort to end extreme poverty, let's take a look back at the advocacy and impact of Results and our volunteers in 2023!

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Childhood Interrupted: Canada must champion children in emergencies at June’s G7

According to the UN, more children have been killed in Gaza since October than from four years of world conflict. This is unacceptable and Canada must step up.

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Do you want to participate in upcoming Results Canada events? Consult our calendar to learn about opportunities and volunteer led activities.

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REGISTER: mobilizing for global access to vaccines #ForOurFuture

Join us on July 24th to connect with powerful global health advocates & learn about how YOU can advocate to #ReachEveryChild with life-saving vaccines.

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REGISTER: July 2024 national call

Meet, and learn from, powerful young African global health advocate Kenneth Prudencio!

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RECORDING: Annual General Meeting 2024

Our 2024 AGM was all about shifting power through youth dialogues! Let's take a look back at 2023 with Results, hear from three powerful youth advocates and push for progress in the effort to end extreme poverty.

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Volunteer Voices

Through the new Volunteer Voices section of our blog, our volunteers and fellows can publish the remarkable LTEs and op-eds that don’t make it to the opinion pages.

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Youth Skills Day: celebrating our rising stars in advocacy

Celebrating Results' powerful youth volunteers: meet Adil, Chloe and Maria, change-makers who inspire us everyday with their passion for a brighter future for all!

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Canada can make a lasting difference for millions, especially children, in the world's most vulnerable nations. Human capital investments are a must for an educated and healthy population.

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Yasmine Hadid - Public Engagement Officer

As the newest addition to Results, Yasmine brings her bright energy to the Public Engagement to support our passionate network of volunteers!

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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