our anti-oppression values

we actively weave anti-oppression into our advocacy as we work to eliminate extreme poverty

Results Canada is a nonprofit advocacy organization of passionate people committed to raising our voices for a world without extreme poverty. Poverty cannot end as long as oppression exists. We commit to opposing all forms of oppression including ableism, ageism, biphobia, classism, colonialism, homophobia, racism, religious discrimination, sexism, transphobia, white saviourism, and xenophobia.

our commitment to you

At Results we pledge to create space for all voices, including those of us who are currently experiencing poverty. We will address oppressive behaviour in our interactions, families, communities, work, and world. Our strength is rooted in our diversity of experiences, not in our assumptions. 

With unearned privilege comes the responsibility to act so the burden to educate and change doesn’t fall solely on those experiencing oppression. When we miss the mark on our values, we will acknowledge our mistake, seek forgiveness, learn, and work together as a community to pursue equity. 

There are no saviours — only partners, advocates, and allies. We agree to help make Results a respectful, inclusive space. 

use our tips for anti-oppressive advocacy

When engaging in advocacy, use these tips for building an inclusive nonpartisan case for ending extreme poverty globally.

  1. Think of the meaning behind the language you use. Avoid the use of pitying, colonial, or objectifying language like “poor people”, "the “third world”, or “people who cannot help themselves”. Instead, focus on emphasizing our common humanity and common values.
  2. Remember poverty is a global responsibility. Results advocates are not “saviours” — we know that global poverty and inequality are rooted in longstanding systems of oppression. Colonialism, inequitable resource management, climate change, and unjust global lending policies have all affected the availability of resources and opportunity globally, and countries like Canada continue to unfairly benefit.
  3. Focus on the solutions. Outline how progress is possible instead of focusing on helpless suffering. You will be more impactful and respectful by centring on achievable solutions that will contribute to resolving a given problem — this means outlining the very specific and simple steps an individual, organization or institution can take.
  4. Emphasize why you. Your personal reasons for supporting or opposing an issue can be as influential as data showing the impact of that issue. While we might adapt our message for different parliamentarians or parties, we must never compromise on our values. Rather than trying to align with what you think the values of a decision maker are, emphasize values that you may share and talk about your own. Start by talking about a shared experience – going to school yourself, being a parent, seeing a doctor, etc., and how that experience shaped you. Moral, values-based arguments are exceptionally strong — take time to articulate what being an advocate with an anti-oppressive approach to global poverty means to you.
  5. Never stop learning. With unearned privilege comes the responsibility to act so the burden to educate and change falls on everyone, especially on those not experiencing oppression. Continuous learning is a crucial part of being an anti-oppressive advocate. Frequently assess your values and methods to make sure you are advocating in an impactful manner without causing harm. As advocates, we should be in a constant state of learning.
Results Canada is a signatory of the Anti-Racist Cooperation (ARC) Hub, a dedicated coordination secretariat hosted by Cooperation Canada and funded by Global Affairs Canada. ARC's goal is to help Canadian international development and humanitarian organizations improve their ability to integrate anti-racism and intersectional feminism into their work.

To get started on your own learning journey, consult the resources below:

Every single person working in global health and development or even studying global health and development must absolutely get trained in privilege, anti-racism, anti-oppression and allyship. Understanding allyship is fundamental. Our role as more privileged people is to be supportive, as enablers, as allies. We're not going to fix the world, but our job is to be effective allies.

- Professor Madhu Pai, Canada Research Chair of Epidemiology & Global Health, McGill University

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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