Results Canada is a nonprofit advocacy organization of passionate people committed to raising our voices for a world without extreme poverty. Poverty cannot end as long as oppression exists. We commit to opposing all forms of oppression including ableism, ageism, biphobia, classism, colonialism, homophobia, racism, religious discrimination, sexism, transphobia, white saviourism, and xenophobia.
When engaging in advocacy, use these tips for building an inclusive nonpartisan case for ending extreme poverty globally.
To get started on your own learning journey, consult the resources below:
anti-oppression in international development and assistance
Challenging Colonialism (article)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion: How the Third Sector Can Do Better (article)
Global Health Research Needs a Makeover by Dr. Madhukar Pai (video)
Explain Global Health to Me! (video)
White Supremacy in Global Health (article)
Decolonising aid, again (article)
Want COVID-19 to end? Dismantle oppressive colonial systems by Hanna Belayneh (article)
Black History Month 2021 in Canada by Results Canada (article)
Disrupting Global Health: From Allyship To Collective Liberation by Dr. Madhukar Pai (article)
Want the pandemic to end? Dismantle colonial systems of oppression by Results Canada (article)
Decolonising Aid: A reading and resource list by The New Humanitarian
Anti-Racist Cooperation (ARC) Hub
learning and practicing anti-oppression
What does it mean to act as an ally? (article)
Justice in June (website with antiracism resources)
Privilege and Critical Allyship by Stephanie Nixon (PowerPoint)
NFB Anti-Oppression Films (film list)
Documentaries on Racism, White Privilege, Identity, Race, and More (film list)