G20 wrap: some progress, some omissions, fingers crossed for follow-though
On September 9th, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau joined other world leaders at the G20 Summit in India to determine the course the world takes in the midst of cascading challenges and crises. In the lead-up to the Summit, Results has been pushing for Canada, along with other G20 countries, to focus on the needs of the most marginalized communities and commit to improving the international financial system. Here’s our take on the declaration and overall outcome of the Summit.
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recommendations for the G20 Summit 2023
This September, Canada will attend the G20 Leaders' Summit in India. It is critical that Canada, along with other G20 countries, make this an opportunity to focus on the needs of the most vulnerable communities, and commit to improving international financial aid to enhance equitable response and recovery for future pandemic threats – particularly through […]
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