#GameChangers2030 campaign plan

By: Results Canada Published: 28/03/2023

In 2015, global leaders came together to launch the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – 17 goals aimed to build a greener, fairer, better world by 2030. For seven years, communities, civil society organizations, governments, and individuals toiled to make progress on these goals, from increasing girls’ education to reducing maternal mortality and ending all forms of malnutrition.

However, the triple threats of COVID-19, climate change, and conflict have impacted all the goals, creating spin-off crises in food and nutrition, health, economy, education, and the environment, reversing decades of hard-won progress. In 2021 alone, 25 million children were un- or under-vaccinated – 6 million more than in 2019, 97 million more people were pushed into extreme poverty in 2020, and an estimated 70% of 10-year-olds around the world were unable to understand a simple written text in 2022, up from 57% pre-pandemic.

The latest progress report on the SDGs indicates that the world is far off track of meeting the Goals by 2030 and calls for profound and institutional change – from legislative action to changing and increasing resource allocation. As it stands now, we need to speed up the pace of our progress five times faster to meet most of our goals by 2030.

Yet, devastating as it has been, the pandemic also sparked advancement in two important areas: further investments in global health architecture and accelerated development of vaccines against deadly diseases. It showed us the potential of collective action.

Now, it’s time to call for change. 2023 is an important year for the SDGs, as it marks the half-way point of the transformative agenda. By taking stock of where we are with implementing the SDGs and stepping up with renewed commitment, we can build a better and more equal world. In the face of the multiple and interlocking crises, we must show that change is possible and turn apathy into swift, significant, and substantial action.

That’s why Results Canada is launching a multi-month campaign calling on Canada to step up by investing in #GameChangers to achieve the Global Goals by 2030. From April to December 2023, we will advocate together for game-changing:

partnerships at the regional and local levels in low- and middle-income countries that are based on solidarity and anti-oppression with a focus on the needs of the most marginalized communities. These partnerships – between governments, the private sector, civil society and affected communities – place gender equality, equity, and human rights at the centre and are inclusive and integrated at all levels to ensure no one is left behind;

innovations in financing systems to reduce inequities and development of health tools that address the needs of key and marginalized populations, particularly in low- and middle-income countries; and

people from the most affected communities, particularly in humanitarian settings, whose voices, priorities, concerns and representation in decisions are critical to coordinate and build action towards achieving the SDGs.

To discuss the crises of our times and to reboot systems to accelerate progress towards the SDGs, world leaders will meet at key global events – from the G7 and G20 Summits, the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact and the United Nations General Assembly. Beyond a pointless exercise of high-income countries making symbolic statements with no impact, these moments have the potential to mark substantive progress towards transformative solutions. Over the next nine months, Results Canada’s calls-to-action will identify priority areas for Canada to respond with bold levels of support and investments, grounded in concrete plans, benchmarks, commitments, and, above all, in solidarity.

Sustainability is not just an aspiration but a necessity to deal with today’s challenges and tomorrow’s risks and threats. Change is possible if we work together. Canada’s Federal #Budget2023 let us down with its 15% cut to international aid compared to last year. It’s not too late to step up. This is our moment, and the time is now to invest in the #GameChangersFor2030.

what the plan looks like

The campaign unfolds over 9 months, putting the spotlight on issues and the #GamechangersFor2030 that will accelerate progress to meeting the SDG targets.

AprilHope and Solutions for Children Facing Multiple Crises

In response to the Federal Budget 2023, we will call on Canada to make more ambitious investments in child health, particularly in innovative financing mechanisms that respond to the ongoing malnutrition crises and medical breakthroughs in immunizations that offer hope for children.

May-JuneEquitable Finance for All

Ahead of the Summit for a New Global Financing Pact in June, we will call on Canada to commit to leading ambitious reforms to the global financial architecture to reduce debt, reverse inequities and ensure more money is available to spend on health, education and poverty alleviation.

July-SeptemberYes! We Can End TB

In the lead-up to the United Nations High-level Meeting on TB in September, we will call on Canada to ensure the highest-level political participation in this critical meeting – including a government and civil society delegation led by the Prime Minister. We will also call on Canada to make a bold financial and political commitment in the fight to end TB.

October-DecemberBuilding Children’s Resilience in Emergencies

Worldwide children are disproportionately impacted in emergency settings brought about by protracted conflicts, natural disasters and climate change, yet, the international community has not prioritized early childhood development as a key #GameChanger for impact. That is why Results Canada will be advocating for increased commitment to early childhood development in emergencies in the lead up to the Global Refugee Forum (GRF), hosted every 4 years by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR).

Watch the April national call to hear more about the #GameChangers campaign plan


To protect the health and well-being of people, especially of marginalized communities, we must raise our voices to ask Canada to step up and invest in #GameChangers2030. Check out our current call-to-action and take action now

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