Get ready to check an item off your #17ActionsForIDEP checklist!
On November 6th, Results Canada is hosting a parliamentary reception for Members of Parliament (MPs) and Senators to draw attention to the urgent needs of children living in emergencies ahead of the Global Refugee Forum and we NEED your HELP!
The power of advocacy often lies in collective action, that is why we want you to invite your MP to our important reception to learn how they can #ChampionChildrenInEmergencies.
This reception will centre the voices of refugee youth advocates with lived experience from the Refugee Education Council and will focus on our current campaign urging Canada to take action to support early childhood development in emergencies at the Global Refugee Forum this December.
Here are the event details you can forward to your MP:
Nov 6th, 2023 @ 6PM
Room 268, Valour Building, 151 Sparks St, Ottawa
Please take action now and check-off that #17ActionsForIDEP item by sending an invitation to your MP today. Here are some tips to help you make this happen:
(pro-tip: don’t forget to attach the invite to your email, you can find it here!)