mail a postcard to your MP  - campaign 2
As 2025 kicks-off, your Member of Parliament (MP) is getting ready to head back to Parliament on January 27th. It’s the perfect time to engage your MP tell them why you care about making sure children worldwide have nutritious food and how Canada can help address the malnutrition crisis by stepping up at the Nutrition […]
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Write an LTE - Campaign 2
Write a letter to the editor (LTE) highlighting the need for Canada to table a #BudgetForLeadership and increase Canada’s International Assistance Envelope by $650 million in Budget 2025. Reference the critical need for Canadian global leadership, and how investments in health, good nutrition, and access to education will help communities flourish! did you get published?
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use your voice on social media - Campaign 2
Use your voice on social media to tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Dominic LeBlanc that you care about global issues. By passing a #BudgetForLeadership that increases Canada’s International Assistance Envelope by $650 million, Canada will help educate, immunize, and nourish millions worldwide. Tweet instantly (click below)  Canada must pass a #BudgetForLeadership that […]
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