Past calls-to-action Year: 2021; Post Type: past-campaign

December: #CelebrateResults

Our call-to-action this month highlights all our accomplishments this year and how we can prepare for strategic action together in 2022, by raising awareness of our impact, we hope to influence #Budget2022 to secure an increase in #CanadianAid with a commitment to global solidarity. 

November: #InvestInNutrition

Our call-to-action this month highlights the unparalleled malnutrition crisis threatening the lives of millions of women and children in low- and middle-income countries and calls for urgent action to avert the looming disaster and protect their health, rights, and dignity. 

October: #EndPoverty

As we navigate together the lasting effects of the pandemic in Canada, October 17 – International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – is a globally recognized day to stand in solidarity with those living in extreme poverty. Our #EndPoverty Challenge gives you the opportunity to directly support the work of Results Canada in addressing the issues involved in extreme poverty that are being exacerbated by COVID-19. 

September: #CanadiansVote

Our #CanadiansVote call-to-action highlights the steps you can take to be an effective advocate during this federal election. You are extremely powerful in your ability to influence and inform electoral candidates about the impact of Canadian aid and importance of a just global recovery.

August: #EndCovidEverywhere

Our call-to-action this month continues to highlight the increasingly urgent need to ensure that low-income countries can build resilient health systems needed to roll-out COVID-19 vaccines and prevent future pandemics. With election buzz in the air and suggestions of an election on the horizon, we are also focusing on ways to get ready to take action in a future election.

July: #EndCovidEverywhere

Our call-to-action this month highlights the increasingly urgent need to ensure that low-income countries can build the resilient health systems needed to roll-out COVID-19 vaccines and prevent future pandemics.

June: #RaiseYourHand

Our #RaiseYourHand campaign this month focuses on girls' education and calls on Canada to invest in the Global Partnership for Education to unlock the potential of girls and their rights to education.

May: #RaiseYourHand

Our #RaiseYourHand campaign this month highlights the acute barriers to education for children and youth living in low-income countries and calls on Canada to invest in the Global Partnership for Education to ensure every child has the opportunity to learn and grow.

April: #StopTheDeadlyDivide

Our #StopTheDeadlyDivide campaign this month highlights the growing divide in access to vaccines as global demand surges and supply becomes limited.

March: #StopTheDeadlyDivide

Our #StopTheDeadlyDivide campaign this month highlights the impact of COVID-19 on the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic and calls on Canada to continue to support the work of TB REACH.

February: #StopTheDeadlyDivide

Our #StopTheDeadlyDivide campaign this month highlights the Global Financing Facility and how Canada has an opportunity to be a leader in protecting the health of women and children during the pandemic.

January: #LeaveNoOneBehind

Our #LeaveNoOneBehind campaign this month focuses on how the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in an unprecedented economic crisis in need of urgent attention.

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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