Youth Skills Day: celebrating our rising stars in advocacy

By: Results Canada Published: 12/07/2024

This Youth Skills Day, we are celebrating our volunteers and the advocacy skills they have developed, and will continue to develop, during their time with us! They remind us just how important it is to give youth the necessary skills to advocate, empower, and engage on important issues, such as the mission to end global poverty, and fuel their passion for a brighter future. Their passion for change, whether it’s for youth participation in global summits, life-saving immunization, or access to education in humanitarian crises settings, informs their advocacy. Paired with the advocacy tools they acquire through their volunteer training, they become powerful advocates changing the world for the better! Let's meet just three of our many determined and ambitious advocates:

During my journey, I have gained a variety of abilities, resources, and experiences that have greatly improved my capacity to support, empower, and participate in key causes. One of the most important things I learned was how to write and research better, especially when I was writing letters to the editor (LTEs). My ability to present strong arguments and clearly explain complicated concepts to a wide range of people has improved as a result of this experience. In addition, I studied graphic design to produce powerful Instagram images that helped me reach a larger audience on social media and graphically convey the topics we addressed.

[Volunteering with Results] gave me priceless resources to help me with my activism and study. For me to comprehend the options and resources available, other members' encouragement was crucial. It was so much easier to submit my work for publication because I had access to a full list of publications along with their contact details. Additionally, having pre-made blogs available streamlined the process of producing my material by providing direction and inspiration. My writing improved greatly because of everyone's constant assistance, encouragement, and good criticism. Thank you to everyone who has supported me along the way!

Joining the Results Canada Education & Advocacy Fellowship program has been a wonderful opportunity to develop my skills and knowledge in global health advocacy. In my first month with the program I was able to successfully request that the Charlottetown City Hall be lit up red for #WorldTBDay along with landmarks across Canada. I felt very fortunate to be able to represent my home province of PEI in this important campaign to support TB research.

Last month during our #ChampionChildrenInEmergencies campaign, I had the opportunity to host my Education & Action group’s meeting focused on Early Childhood Development in Emergencies. This gave me the opportunity to engage with my fellow volunteers in a new way.

Throughout the first half of the fellowship, I have learned so many new ways to raise awareness about global challenges and champion change. I am looking forward to continuing to build on my advocacy skills in the coming months!

Maria Alejandra Guardado (25)

The fellowship program at Results Canada has been instrumental in honing my advocacy skills and leveraging my network to amplify our campaign efforts. Through this experience, I've learned to identify my strengths and areas needing improvement, understanding that while advocacy is challenging, the most significant cost is using one's voice effectively. The program emphasized the importance of outreach and prioritizing others' needs, equipping me with the support and strategies to do so.

Participating in International Development Week and various advocacy spaces has given me the confidence to assert myself in campaign efforts. It connected me with inspiring individuals, broadening my understanding of global issues beyond my own experiences and highlighting my internal biases. Engaging in Plan International's Girls Belong Here panel with Results Canada allowed me to articulate my experiences clearly and mentor young women leaders on networking and skill-sharing to utilize in their growing careers.

Additionally, ONE International's training sessions in partnership with Results Canada underscored the value of partnerships with like-minded organizations to expand our mission globally. These experiences collectively enriched my advocacy toolkit, preparing me to contribute meaningfully to our cause. In summary, the fellowship has developed my skills in advocacy, networking, outreach, and partnership-building, while providing tools for self-assessment and strategic communication. I am so grateful for the opportunity at Results Canada to help sharpen my skills and coach me into refining my advocacy and leadership style to help address these global issues for today and the tomorrow to come!

Our youth take action by meeting with decision makers, collectively mobilizing on social media, and amplifying their voice through op-eds and letters-to-the-editor published all across Canada! Through their actions, our youth volunteers support high-impact solutions for investments and policies to realize a world free of poverty. They leave us inspired every day and we are excited to continue following and supporting them on their advocacy journeys!

Inspired by these youth powerhouses? Join us and start making a difference today.

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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