Se joindre à la Conférence internationale de RESULTS

Par : Résultats Canada Publié le 19/05/2022

Notre organisation sœur aux États-Unis organise virtuellement la conférence internationale RESULTS le 4 et 5 juin 2022. Joignez-vous à nous lors des conférences plénières, des ateliers et du réseautage ! En savoir plus sur la conférence.

comment participer

Les bénévoles de Résultats Canada doivent utiliser ce formulaire pour s'inscrire. Pour y participer veuillez compléter ce formulaire (un.e membre du personnel vous contactera).

Une fois inscrit.e, assistez à autant de sessions que vous le souhaitez !

Les séances se déroulent en anglais seulement. Voici les sessions que nous recommandons le plus pour nos bénévoles au Canada :

pour converser avec d'autres bénévoles

Connecting with Grassroots Advocates Around the World - Saturday, June 4th 8:00 AM-9:00 AM

Working with others is essential for effective advocacy. That’s why we advocate in groups, cohorts, and regions. But we have grassroots advocates working on the same issues around the world with RESULTS UK, Canada, U.S., Korea, and Australia and through the vast ACTION partnership. Join us and connect with grassroots advocates from around the globe. Learn from each other and be inspired. We are not alone!

RESULTS Community Building Bingo - Saturday, June 4. 5:00 PM-5:45 PM

It’s time for a game! Play “meet & greet” bingo with hundreds of RESULTS advocates from across the United States and the world. A special part of advocacy is finding new friends and building meaningful relationships along the way. Join us for a special opportunity to connect with others across our community.

pour s'éduquer sur des enjeux clés

Consultez notre Results Canada 2022 strategic plan to find out how our priorities align with these sessions.

Transforming the Fight Against Old and New Pandemics - Saturday, June 4. 1:15 PM-2:15 PM

COVID-19 sent progress against AIDS, TB and malaria tumbling backwards for the first time in decades. The world can’t afford to choose between ending the old pandemics and stopping the next one – and the same health delivery systems are needed for both. This discussion will look at equitable health systems, the role of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and what it means to put communities and core health services at the heart of pandemic preparedness.

Taking Action on the Global Learning Crisis - Saturday, June 4th 3:20 PM-4:05 PM

** this session is led by our very own Lindsay Sheridan, and will set you up for success later this year when Results Canada’s campaigns will focus on this topic **

Did you know that in low-income countries, approximately 90% of children cannot read or understand a simple story by the end of primary school? Globally, access to education has increased in recent years, however, many children in low- and middle-income countries are attending school but simply not learning the crucial foundational skills such as reading and math, creating a global learning crisis. In this session you will hear from experts in the field on the depth of the learning crisis, solutions that exist to improve it and why it’s critical to take action and remain engaged to ensure all children realize their right to education globally.

Health Equity: Who Owns the Agenda - Sunday, June 5. 9:00 AM-10:30 AM

The question of “who owns the agenda?” asks whose narrative matters and whose voices are listened to in the halls of power — and why that matters in global health advocacy. In this workshop, global thought leaders will catalyze a discussion on health equity in which panelists and participants will explore the differences and similarities in how the global South and North view and talk about equity and consider how to strengthen allyship and advocacy around health equity and its building blocks, such as primary healthcare. ACTION Secretariat Director Dr. Vineeta Gupta will lead the session

pour améliorer votre plaidoyer

Going Beyond the Numbers: Learning to Personalize Your Lobbying Experience for Effective Advocacy - Sunday, June 5. 11:00 AM-12:30 PM

Every single person has a reason why they advocate for anti-poverty policies, an “ah ha” moment that drives their passion and determination. Whether you are a person with lived experience of poverty or not, we all have the power to speak from our experience and values. This interactive session will help you understand how to personalize your lobbying experience to highlight the need for transformative anti-poverty policy solutions, with direct coaching available from RESULTS Experts on Poverty.

pour développer votre leadership

A Seat at the Table: Empowering Young Leaders in Advocacy - Saturday, June 4th 4:15 PM-5:00 PM

Hear from a powerful panel of young leaders who have made an impact in the RESULTS network and in their communities fighting for social justice. For our movement to be sustainable for years into the future, we must engage with and support emerging advocates. Panelists will share through a lens of their own experiences how to equitably partner with leaders of all ages.

Going from 2 to 4: Relational Organizing in a Hybrid World - Sunday, June 5. 1:00 PM-2:30 PM

Learn what relational organizing is and why it is critical to the sustainability of your group and RESULTS’ mission. Develop a framework for engaging your community and bringing on new people into the RESULTS movement.

pour créer un espace inclusif dans votre groupe

The two following sessions will run concurrently on Sunday, June 5, from 3pm to 5pm ET. They both require you to save your spot in addition to your main conference registration.

Interrupting Microaggressions - Sunday, June 5. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM

This 2-hour workshop will define the term “microaggressions” and lead participants through a discussion that unpacks the term, its history, and its present impact. Participants will also be informed on ways to disrupt microaggressions in their lives. Due to space constraints, you must sign up separately ahead of the session to get your spot by clicking here. This is in addition to your main conference registration.

Creating Space for Critical Conversations -  Sunday, June 5. 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
This 2-hour workshop brings together foundations of SEL with an equity focus to inform participants on how to have challenging values-based conversations about issues of identity and bias. Participants will learn what helps and what hinders healthy dialogue, and they will be given time to practice skills for interrupting bias/prejudice/bigotry. Due to space constraints, you must sign up separately ahead of the session to get your spot by clicking here. This is in addition to your main conference registration.

pour communiquer avec nous

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