Ce webinaire organisé avec Halte à la tuberculose Canada donne un aperçu de la recherche et du développement (R&D) pour la TB, y compris une évaluation de la façon dont les investissements mondiaux dans la R&D pour la TB se comparent aux besoins financiers identifiés dans le nouveau Plan mondial.
The webinar will feature a series of expert speakers who will discuss the #GameChangers in development for new TB vaccines, diagnostics, and therapeutics, as well as current barriers to progress. Together, the speakers will illustrate the promising innovations in this field and highlight the need for increased funding to support such developments.
The upcoming United Nations High-Level Meeting (HLM) on TB this September is a key opportunity for donor countries to show up with renewed commitments to end TB. We are calling on Canada to attend the HLM and announce new investments in TB R&D. Webinar participants will be equipped with the knowledge and tools to take action with us in ensuring that Canada supports this important piece in the TB elimination equation.
Registration is now closed.