Voix des bénévoles
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Un appel à un engagement renouvelé #ForOurFuture: Le rôle vital du Canada dans l'équité vaccinale mondiale
Pour parvenir à des taux de vaccination équitables, il faut un effort unifié pour donner la priorité aux résultats sanitaires des populations autochtones et garantir à tous un accès égal aux vaccins vitaux.
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Canada can make a lasting difference for millions, especially children, in the world's most vulnerable nations. Human capital investments are a must for an educated and healthy population.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada must step up to end TB
Change is still possible. As a world leader, Canada must ensure children worldwide have a fulfilling childhood, without TB.
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[Volunteer Voices] Investing in Children's Well-being
Investing in children's well-being is not only a moral imperative but also a smart economic strategy.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada needs to do more to help children around the world.
Yet, we consistently fall short on our official development aid despite being one of the most financially capable countries to provide aid. Canada must be more focused on keeping promises and taking action.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada must lead the way to #ReachEveryChild
That's why I lend my voice to those envisioning a world without poverty, where children can enjoy their childhood and exercise all their rights. I implore the Canadian government to...
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