what volunteers do at Results Canada

By: Results Canada Published: 07/07/2023

Our volunteers are incredibly passionate individuals who want to make a big impact in the world for people living in poverty. Results recruits volunteers on an on-going basis including select volunteer opportunities. If there is a particular volunteer opportunity you’re interested in, don’t delay – apply today!

what am I committing to as a volunteer?

location: Anywhere in Canada! Join a local group in a community near you and meet either virtually or in person. There is also an online group if there is no existing group in your area.
duration: A minimum of 12 months. 
hours: A minimum of 1-2 hours per week to attend meetings or workshops and work on your own.
compensation: This is a voluntary position for which Results Canada does not provide any compensation.

what would I do as a volunteer?

Volunteers take action on a monthly basis based on our current campaign with the goal of influencing Canada’s international assistance policies.  Throughout your time as a volunteer, you will:

  • attend and actively participate in your group’s monthly education and action (E&A) meeting
  • take action alongside fellow group volunteers that includes (but is not limited to):
    • engaging with parliamentarians by writing to or meeting with them (in person or virtually)
    • writing letters to the editor (LTE) or op-eds
    • organizing events
    • being active on social media
    • fundraising
    • tabling at an event to talk about Results Canada
  • keep a record of the actions you take on a monthly basis

who can join as a volunteer?

Everyone is welcome to join Results as a volunteer regardless of how much experience you may have in advocacy or global health. Results will provide you with best-in-class advocacy training paired with coaching and support so that you can raise your voice and take action.

We are committed to diversity and equity around the globe and in our workplace. We welcome all volunteer applications, most especially from women, Aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, ethnic minorities, persons of minority sexual orientation or gender identity, visible minorities, and others who may contribute to diversification that share our values.

how do I become a volunteer?

First, you’ll need to watch an info session to learn what it means to volunteer with Results. You will learn what happens month-to-month, why our campaigns and actions are strategic, and what resources we provide for you. Get started by signing up below: 

what happens after I watch the info session?

You will select which local group you want to join, and then we will introduce you via email. Your group leader(s) will invite you to their next monthly E&A meeting where you will meet other like-minded volunteers in your group. From then on, your group leader is your first point of contact to answer questions about taking action and participating in Results activities.

That’s it! You’re now officially a volunteer!

what else can I do as a volunteer?

build the movement

When it comes to recruiting volunteers to join our movement to end extreme poverty, there is nothing like word of mouth – especially coming from someone who already volunteers with us! Think about the people in your network and let them know how to get involved: you can use these images on social media, invite folks to a barbeque, or attend a local activity. Have fun and be creative as it’s your opportunity to showcase what you care about as a volunteer. Make sure to tell people to visit our join us page and to click the sign up to volunteer button.

take a leadership role

There are several volunteer leadership roles that take your volunteer experience with Results to another level. You will learn how to be a good facilitator, how to motivate others, and how to be a responsible leader people can depend on.

The first step is joining an info session to find out what it means to volunteer with Results. Then you will be given the opportunity to apply for a leadership position, such as group leaders who start and/or support a local group. Interviews will be held with interested candidates for vacant positions.

sign up and get informed

Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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