Take action on Oct 17: International Day for the Eradication of Poverty

By: Lisa Published: 14/10/2020

The best defense against hopelessness?  Taking action and getting results

Saturday October 17 is the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty. It’s a day when the world pauses to reflect on the devastating impact of extreme poverty, violence and hunger. It’s also a day when we stand together powerfully with those living in poverty to commit to fighting for a more equitable and hopeful world.

COVID-19 and the need to act now

COVID-19 is threatening to turn back the clock on decades of hard won progress for those living in extreme poverty. Around 265 million people may face acute hunger this year—twice as many as when the pandemic hit. Rates of gender-based violence are on the rise with an estimated 1.2 billion learners out of school, 785 million people lacking access to basic water services, and at least 80 million children set to miss their routine vaccinations that prevent other disease outbreaks. For already vulnerable populations, the pandemic causes a host of secondary symptoms which are as devastating as the virus itself.

The statistics are scary – but we can’t let fear, or even despair, usher us into a state of paralysis. Results’ mission is more important now than ever.

Our commitment to extreme poverty

We believe that no one should suffer or die from preventable diseases or lack opportunities because of where they were born. At Results, we address the causes of extreme poverty by championing proven, tangible, cost-effective, high-impact solutions with approaches to mitigate its impact.

Our volunteers across the country are neighbours who think that nobody around the block or around the world should suffer from a disease that costs dollars to treat. They are parents who think that no one's child should die needlessly from lack of immunizations that cost only pennies. They are every day citizens who are committed to education and action – every day – and push our government to do better. When we take action, we fight hopelessness and create solutions.

End COVID-19 Everywhere campaign

Results took an early lead in the fight against COVID-19 alongside key and trusted partners in the Canadian advocacy community to consolidate a joint call-to-action to “End COVID-19 Everywhere”. In it, the Canadian government was asked to invest at least 1% of its domestic COVID-19 response (approximately CAD$2 billion) in new and additional official development assistance (ODA or Canadian aid) towards an emergency global response. This campaign has gained significant traction in Canada. As of this month, Canada has contributed approximately CAD$1.1 billion to the global COVID-19 response with CAD$740 million as new and additional to Canada’s development assistance envelope. However, the stakes are high and more is needed.

Take action on October 17

Here’s what you can do this International Day for the Eradication of Poverty to reignite your conviction that a world free of poverty is possible:

  1. Register for the Results Canada virtual National Conference on November 14-15. It’s free!
  2. Become a volunteer with Results Canada.
  3. Supporting the UN’s global campaign on social media by using the hashtags #IDEP2020 and #EndPoverty to promote action and connect with people around the world who have joined the fight to overcome poverty.

This Saturday we can chose to be bystanders, but now is not the time to simply observe – it’s the time to act. I look forward to seeing you at the Conference in November.

Chris Dendys
Executive Director 

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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