Canada steps up to save lives with significant nutrition investment
We are celebrating an announcement made yesterday by Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen of $360.6 million for Nutrition International (NI), a high-impact investment that will help put an end to the malnutrition crisis!
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#TogetherWeLead in 2025
Our 2025 campaign #TogetherWeLead will focus on Canada’s leading role in bringing the world together to make bold commitments and ensure everyone, everywhere, has the opportunity to live, thrive, and reach their full potential.
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REGISTER: February Action Kick-Off
Dive into the highly-anticipated annual action for World TB Day, updates from our resident parliamentary expert on the looming federal election and more!
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Strengthening Canadian Leadership In Nutrition: a roadmap
In Towards 2030: Strengthening Canadian Leadership In Nutrition, we provide a roadmap for the Canadian government to show real leadership in the global nutrition space.
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We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture, to prevent disease, reduce poverty, and keep children in school, starting with a bold investment in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
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WATCH NOW: January Action Kick-Off
Learn about our most recent campaign about the need to #FeedOurFuture, the 2025 Federal Budget and the highly-anticipated annual action for World TB Day!
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strengthening Canadian leadership in global nutrition
Canada has a strong legacy of leadership in global nutrition. A renewed commitment and investment are critical to address malnutrition.
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a pivotal moment in Canada's history: submission for #Budget2025
Our #Budget2025 submission calls on Canada to be a global leader by increasing the International Assistance Envelope to provide lifesaving aid.
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Canada can make a lasting difference for millions, especially children, in the world's most vulnerable nations. Human capital investments are a must for an educated and healthy population.
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Childhood Interrupted: Canada must champion children in emergencies at June’s G7
According to the UN, more children have been killed in Gaza since October than from four years of world conflict. This is unacceptable and Canada must step up.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada must step up to end TB
Change is still possible. As a world leader, Canada must ensure children worldwide have a fulfilling childhood, without TB.
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[Volunteer Voices] Investing in Children's Well-being
Investing in children's well-being is not only a moral imperative but also a smart economic strategy.
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