G7 Summit: an update on Canadian leadership
Last month, G7 leaders met to address global challenges and Canada responded to our call! Learn more about the outcomes and how we can continue advocating for Canada to #ReachEveryChild.
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Annual Report 2023
As we continue pushing for progress in the effort to end extreme poverty, let's take a look back at the advocacy and impact of Results and our volunteers in 2023!
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African advocacy powerhouse Kenneth Prudencio visits Canada 
In May, we had the pleasure of hosting African global health advocate Kenneth Prudencio in Canada - from sharing his experiences at McGill to informing decision-makers, let's take a look at all he got up to!
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A step in the right direction: Budget 2024 invests in humanitarian assistance
#Budget2024 invests $350 million in international humanitarian assistance - a step in the right direction. Read on to learn how this federal budget impacts our advocacy work.
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Canadian aid: myths busted and questions answered 
Being a global leader in helping others has been a part of Canadian identity for decades, but where do we stand today? For #IDW2024, we’re answering your questions on Canadian aid.
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Take Action Alert: invite your MP to our IDW Reception!
For International Development Week 2024, we need your help to bring together decision-makers and experts and raise awareness about Canada's role in supporting children's rights and wellbeing globally.
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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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