We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture, to prevent disease, reduce poverty, and keep children in school, starting with a bold investment in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
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We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture, to prevent disease, reduce poverty, and keep children in school, starting with a bold investment in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance.
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We continue to call on Canada to support global immunization efforts #ForOurFuture by making a strong pledge to Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. This October, as we mark the International Day for the Eradication of Poverty and the International Day of the Girl Child, we celebrate the progress made and dream big for a future with health equity and free of poverty.
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A call for renewed commitment #ForOurFuture: Canada's vital role in global vaccine equity
Achieving equitable immunization rates requires a unified effort to prioritize Indigenous health outcomes and ensure equal access to life-saving vaccines for all.
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Canada can make a lasting difference for millions, especially children, in the world's most vulnerable nations. Human capital investments are a must for an educated and healthy population.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada must step up to end TB
Change is still possible. As a world leader, Canada must ensure children worldwide have a fulfilling childhood, without TB.
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Alif Chowdhury - Communications Officer
Meet Alif, our Communications Officer and the whiz behind our digital media! Read about her journey here.
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[Volunteer Voices] Investing in Children's Well-being
Investing in children's well-being is not only a moral imperative but also a smart economic strategy.
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shedding light on the silent crisis: tuberculosis in children 
Canada has the means and moral imperative to turn the tide against TB. World TB Day is a reminder that we need bold policy and stronger financial commitments.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada needs to do more to help children around the world.
Yet, we consistently fall short on our official development aid despite being one of the most financially capable countries to provide aid. Canada must be more focused on keeping promises and taking action.
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[Volunteer Voices] Canada must lead the way to #ReachEveryChild
That's why I lend my voice to those envisioning a world without poverty, where children can enjoy their childhood and exercise all their rights. I implore the Canadian government to...
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#ReachEveryChild in 2024
Over the past 50 years the world has seen dramatic improvements in survival, education, and nutrition for children worldwide. However, today’s children continue to face an uncertain future and progress for children’s outcomes has stalled - that’s why we are launching a year-long campaign focused on what we know Canada must do to ensure we #ReachEveryChild.
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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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