#TogetherWeLead! Results Canada Volunteer Retreat
We are thrilled to invite you to Together We Lead!, our 2025 Volunteer Retreat in Ottawa on May 3-4. This exciting, free 2-day event brings together passionate advocates like you from across Canada for a weekend filled with learning, connection, and fun.
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Canada steps up to save lives with significant nutrition investment
We are celebrating an announcement made yesterday by Minister of International Development Ahmed Hussen of $360.6 million for Nutrition International (NI), a high-impact investment that will help put an end to the malnutrition crisis!
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#TogetherWeLead in 2025
Our 2025 campaign #TogetherWeLead will focus on Canada’s leading role in bringing the world together to make bold commitments and ensure everyone, everywhere, has the opportunity to live, thrive, and reach their full potential.
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Strengthening Canadian Leadership In Nutrition: a roadmap
In Towards 2030: Strengthening Canadian Leadership In Nutrition, we provide a roadmap for the Canadian government to show real leadership in the global nutrition space.
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Take Action Alert: act NOW to help END cervical cancer
We have an opportunity for a collective push for Canada to invest in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Doing so will help prevent 1.5 million deaths over the next five years through the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine.
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March Madness: a new party leader, a new Prime Minister, and potential election
Has the Prime Minister's resignation left you wondering what's next? Here's everything you need to know about who's running to be our next PM, who's not and what exactly this means for our advocacy!
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strengthening Canadian leadership in global nutrition
Canada has a strong legacy of leadership in global nutrition. A renewed commitment and investment are critical to address malnutrition.
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big win for polio eradication: Canada hears our call and announces new funding
BIG WIN! Canada heard our call and showed up for the world’s children in the fight against polio, announcing $151 million to the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI)!
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back to parliament: Fall 2024
We usually expect summer to be a slow period in politics, that the political maneuvering and action will slow down. Well, it didn’t. Find out what's going on with our Parliamentary Affairs Manager.
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G7 Summit: an update on Canadian leadership
Last month, G7 leaders met to address global challenges and Canada responded to our call! Learn more about the outcomes and how we can continue advocating for Canada to #ReachEveryChild.
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Childhood Interrupted: Canada must champion children in emergencies at June’s G7
According to the UN, more children have been killed in Gaza since October than from four years of world conflict. This is unacceptable and Canada must step up.
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A step in the right direction: Budget 2024 invests in humanitarian assistance
#Budget2024 invests $350 million in international humanitarian assistance - a step in the right direction. Read on to learn how this federal budget impacts our advocacy work.
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