Our volunteers don’t wear capes but are global heroes

By: Melissa Published: 26/05/2020

By Mélissa Dubé, Public Engagement Coordinator

On May 12, Canada announced funds to continue their support of Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance and the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI) – two global initiatives that will help save 7-8 million lives and bring us closer to a world free of polio as well as ensure an effective global COVID-19 response (read our statement for more details).

Behind the scenes were all of the actions taken over a “marathon” of 6 months by our incredible dedicated and tireless volunteers to make sure that the Government of Canada renewed their support. At Results Canada we like to say that advocacy is not a sprint but a marathon and our volunteers have yet again proven that they excel at marathons.  Our #VaccinesWork campaign was launched in November 2019 and since then, a flood of actions have occurred with Letters to the Editor (LTEs) getting published, Members of Parliament (MPs) being engaged with both in person and by email, social media posts, and more. Our volunteers (some featured in the photo above) are incredible: they really are global heroes. Younes, an Ottawa-based volunteer, recently said to me “when you’re driven by a strong will and passion for the causes you support, this [volunteering/helping] comes naturally”. This is why I keep saying that I have the best job ever: collaborating with volunteers who freely give their time in the hope of creating a better world for all. What more could I ask for?

To all Results Canada volunteers: your focus, dedication and belief in the solutions that exist to end extreme poverty are nothing short of inspiring. You are a force to be reckoned with. Thank you!

Did we miss your action? Make sure to track your actions with your group leader or Mélissa!

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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