Join our AGM on May 26, 7pm ET and hear from guest speaker Dr. Joia Mukherjee

By: RC Intern Published: 12/05/2020

We are excited to announce public health specialist Dr. Joia Mukherjee as our guest speaker at Results Canada’s Annual General Meeting.  Starting at 7pm ET, Dr. Mukherjee will share her insight on the world we need from her vantage point as Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chief Medical Officer of the renowned pro-poor medical charity Partners in Health (PIH). 

From Rwanda to Haiti and CNN commentator to Harvard professor, award winning physician and humanitarian Dr. Mukherjee has been on the front lines in the fight for health justice for decades. Even if you’re not a member of Results Canada, all are welcome to join us to hear this renowned speaker.

More about Dr. Mukherjee:

Joia Mukherjee MD, MPH has been supporting PIH’s efforts to provide high quality, comprehensive health care to the poorest in partnership with local communities and health officials in Haiti, Rwanda, Lesotho, Malawi, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Peru, Mexico, Russia, Kazakhstan and the Navajo Nation. Dr. Mukherjee’s clinical foci include HIV, multi-drug resistant tuberculosis, mental health, ebola, human resources for health, and health systems strengthening. She also teaches Global Health Delivery, social medicine, infectious disease and human rights to medical students, residents and fellows at a wide variety of US and international institutions. She has helped create a new residency and fellowship training program for Rwandan and Haitian physicians as well as global health residencies and fellowships for US trainees at Harvard and other American universities.

Stay with us for our AGM to follow.

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