Despite the uncertainty continuing to surround our lives due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we know what political leaders need to do to protect the health and wealth of people everywhere. Results Canada will be maintaining a year-long campaign for #TheWorldWeNeed in 2022.
Each month, we will advocate together in support of high-impact solutions until Canada responds with the bold level of support for investments and policies to realize #TheWorldWeNeed.
This year, our calls-to-action will focus on ending the COVID-19 pandemic and what we know Canada must do to be an ambitious leader for economic opportunity, health equity, and quality education for all:
We know the next variant of COVID-19 is preventable if there is global political will to end the pandemic and world leaders act together now. Societies can rebuild stronger if world leaders learn from our past and implement a modern-day recovery plan akin to the post Second World War Marshall Plan (an unprecedented plan to rebuild Europe after the devastating war). And the world can avoid a repeat of millions of lives and trillions of dollars lost if steps are taken to prepare for the inevitability of the next pandemic.
Hear from our Executive Director, Chris Dendys on how we plan to take action throughout 2022 for #TheWorldWeNeed:
We will be centring our advocacy around key asks for #TheWorldWeNeed.
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced an investment of CAD$1.2 billion in the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s Seventh Replenishment! After months of advocating, we can be proud of Canada for stepping up in support of this lifesaving mechanism – and proud of ourselves as advocates for the efforts made to influence this historic investment. Next step: celebrating Canada’s contribution to the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment - be loud on social media, call your Member or Parliament and write LTEs expressing your support for the investment.
To support these calls-to-action, our work continues to rely on effective collaboration with our domestic and global partners. There are a few key organizations that are working toward similar goals this year. You’ll hear a lot about these partners throughout 2022:
The ACT-Accelerator is the global solution for equitable allocation of COVID-19 tools to address inequities in access for people living in underserved areas and countries, including humanitarian settings. Results Canada has been advocating in support of the ACT-Accelerator since its creation in April 2020. Canada’s IAE increased in 2021 from 2020 largely because of the pandemic and an investment of more than CAD$1.3 billion in the ACT-Accelerator. To get the pandemic under control and achieve the global target to vaccinate 70% of the world by end of 2022, Canada must continue to invest in the ACT-Accelerator. Learn more.
CEPI is a global partnership launched in Davos in 2017 with the support of Canada to develop and ensure access to vaccines to stop future pandemics. They invest in and support vaccine development, licensure, and manufacturing, as well as coordinate activities to improve the collective response to pandemics. At their Pandemic Preparedness Summit in March, they will be looking to Canada for continued support and investment in their USD$3.5 billion plan to cut the time it takes to make a safe and effective vaccine against any virus to just 100 days.
The Global Fund is a partnership designed to accelerate the end of AIDS, tuberculosis, and malaria as epidemics. The Global Fund mobilizes and invests more than USD$4 billion a year to support programs run by local experts in more than 100 countries. Results Canada has a long history of advocating in support of this high-impact multi-lateral organization. Most recently, when Canada was due to invest in The Global Fund in 2019, we helped secure an investment of CAD$930.4 million for their programming from 2021-2023. Now, the funds need to be replenished for programming from 2024-2026, so the United States will be hosting the 7th Replenishment Conference this year. We will be looking to Canada to make its biggest investment to date at the AIDS2022 conference in Montreal this summer.
To protect the health and wealth of people, now more than ever, we must raise our voices to demand #TheWorldWeNeed. Take action now for our current call-to-action.