Do you want to participate in upcoming Results Canada events? Consult our calendar to learn about opportunities and volunteer led activities.
Read moreWe are thrilled to invite you to Together We Lead!, our 2025 Volunteer Retreat in Ottawa on May 3-4. This exciting, free 2-day event brings together passionate advocates like you from across Canada for a weekend filled with learning, connection, and fun.
Read moreDive into the highly-anticipated annual action for World TB Day, updates from our resident parliamentary expert on the looming federal election and more!
Read moreLearn about our most recent campaign about the need to #FeedOurFuture, the 2025 Federal Budget and the highly-anticipated annual action for World TB Day!
read moreJoin advocates from across Canada marking International Volunteer Day, celebrating YOUR incredible contributions and honouring the power of volunteerism ❤️
read moreTake action for change to end extreme poverty globally: this month, we learn about the intersection between immunization and nutrition from Zambian advocate and expert Maxwell Mumba!
read moreTake action for change to end extreme poverty globally: this month, we learn about parliamentary engagement as an advocacy tool from MP Lindsay Mathyssen!
read moreOur Inaugural Action-Kick Off ✨ Make sure to watch the recording to learn more about this new and improved monthly gathering format!
read moreNo effort to end TB will be successful without a robust Antimicrobial Resistance response - join us August 8 to explore connections and advocacy opportunities ahead of the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on Antimicrobial Resistance.
read moreExplore how to engage your MPs and make an impact with your advocacy with tips and tricks from policy pro and former political staffer Greg Loerts. BONUS: inside look at our new and improved Volunteer-Focused Advocacy Training Series!
read moreLearn from powerful global health and immunization advocates from our July 24th webinar.
Read moreMeet, and learn from, powerful young African global health advocate Kenneth Prudencio!
read moreOur 2024 AGM was all about shifting power through youth dialogues! Let's take a look back at 2023 with Results, hear from three powerful youth advocates and push for progress in the effort to end extreme poverty.
read moreTake a deep dive into the impact of nutrition & immunization on early childhood - through the eyes of our passionate volunteers and staff!
read moreLearn about community empowerment and grassroots movements from Sam Daley-Harris, founder of Results!
read moreCheck out this informative session on TB advocacy with global health specialist Dr. Brindamour (all the way from Lesotho!) and a mini digital advocacy workshop with our in-house communications expert Denise!
read moreA special session with MP and Parliamentary Secretary Anita Vandenbeld with an insider's view on the 2024 budget and effectively engaging Parliamentarians in your advocacy. We also celebrated the release of our Strategic Plan with our Executive Director!
read moreAn hour amongst friends as we launched the January campaign, delved into the advocacy actions ahead, and kicked off our 2024 campaign to make this year the brightest yet!
read moreJoin us for a virtual celebration call on International Volunteer Day #IVD2023! Let's come together to celebrate the incredible contributions of Results volunteers.
read moreThis call brings our game changers together to learn about our current campaign #ChampionChildrenInEmergencies as well as celebrate the end of our fundraising campaign #17ActionsForIDEP!
read moreThis call brings our game changers together to learn about frontline health and advocacy work, and about collaborative and collective actions we can take as a group of passionate individuals who aspire to a world free of extreme poverty.
read moreThis call brings our game changers together to reflect on our collaborative and collective actions as a group of passionate individuals who aspire to a world free of extreme poverty.
read moreThis call brings our game changers together to reflect on our collaborative and collective actions as a group of passionate individuals who aspire to a world free of extreme poverty.
Read moreThis webinar was co-hosted by Stop TB Canada and Results Canada to provide an overview of the research & development (R&D) landscape for TB, including an assessment of how global TB R&D investments compare to the financial need identified in the new Global Plan to End TB.
read moreResults Canada’s 2023 AGM was on June 27 with the CEO of UNICEF Canada and Member of the Order of Canada, David Morley, C.M., as our special guest speaker.
read moreJoin this call to learn about the current, unprecedented crisis of hunger and malnutrition and to participate in a workshop on transformational advocacy
read moreJoin this call to learn about the current, unprecedented crisis of hunger and malnutrition and to participate in a workshop on transformational advocacy
read moreJoin this call to learn about the current, unprecedented crisis of hunger and malnutrition and to participate in a workshop on transformational advocacy
read moreJoin us to connect with volunteers and partners, learn new skills through interactive workshops, and hear from advocacy champions from around the world so you can grow your own advocacy strength.
Read moreEngage with other volunteers in the Results network, hear from a TB advocate, and learn how to get LTEs published.
read moreEngage with other volunteers in the Results network, hear from a TB advocate, and learn how to get LTEs published.
read moreResults Canada and ONE Canada are co-hosting a session on speaking up at your riding's pre-budget consultations.
read moreDecember 2022 - It's International Volunteer Day and we're celebrating! Join a panel of Results Canada volunteers, our executive director and staff to reflect on what we've achieved this year.
read moreNovember 2022 - We will welcome Member of Parliament Anita Vandenbeld, the Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of International Development, as our guest speaker to launch our #KeepThePromise campaign.
read moreOctober 2022 - October 17 – International Day for the Eradication of Poverty – is a globally recognized day to stand in solidarity with those living in extreme poverty. One way you can take action is by supporting Results Canada’s #EndPoverty Challenge.
read moreSeptember 2022 - Join us to celebrate our #FightForWhatCounts recent success and prepare for our #EndPoverty Challenge in October.
read moreOur sister organization in the US is hosting the RESULTS International Conference virtually on June 4-5, 2022. Join us at plenary speakers, workshops, and networking!
Read moreMay 2022 - Results Canada is hosting a Week of Action from May 30 to June 3 in collaboration with our partners to support the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria’s #FightForWhatCounts replenishment campaign!
Read moreApril 2022 - Alongside other Results volunteers and partner organizations, you will speak to decision-makers directly to discuss the Global Fund’s Seventh Replenishment and how we can make a healthier world for all.
read moreMarch 2022 - Here’s what you can do on World TB Day March 24 to stand in solidarity with the millions of people who suffer from TB and the millions who have lost their lives. 
Read moreFebruary 2022 - Our global parliamentary event kicked off the week and over 50 meetings with parliamentarians followed.
Read moreJanuary 2022 - On January 24, as students in Ontario were getting back into the classroom following another province-wide school closure due to the COVID-19 pandemic, Canadian leaders addressed the current global learning crisis.
Read moreNovember 2021 - Join us to learn about the unprecedented malnutrition crisis and what must be done to avert the looming disaster.
read moreOctober 2021 - As we navigate together the lasting effects of the pandemic in Canada, October 17 – International Day for the Eradication of Poverty - is a globally recognized day to stand in solidarity with those living in poverty. One way you can take action is by supporting Results Canada’s #EndPoverty Challenge.
read moreSeptember 2021 - The election is taking place at a critical moment as the world works to recover from COVID-19; meaning now more than ever we must exercise our right to vote.
read moreAugust 2021 - This session will be focused on developing your skills in fundraising. Learn our top fundraising best practices, how to get over common fears and hurdles when fundraising, and more!
read moreMay 2021 - COVID-19 has created the largest education disruption in history, with the number of out-of-school children growing substantially for the first time in decades. The urgency to act on education has never been greater. Join us for this webinar to learn (or re-learn!) how you can effectively use digital advocacy to #RaiseYourHand for education.
read moreMay 2021 - Join us for a webinar on parliamentary engagement for beginners. We are going to cover the basics of advocacy, how the federal government functions and how to effectively communicate with a Member of Parliament. Please note that this webinar will be held in French only.
read moreApril 2021 - A conference to learn about poverty issues, train ourselves, and connect with each other in celebration and renewed commitment to a world free from poverty.
read moreApril 2021 - Results volunteers are awesome! For National Volunteer Week, we wanted to take the opportunity to highlight some of many passionate and dedicated volunteers who continuously give their time to advocate for a world free of extreme poverty. Our volunteers come from across Canada, forming groups and taking action within their communities. From writing letters to the editors (LTEs) to engaging parliamentarians, their collective actions create a powerful force for change.
Read moreApril 2021 - Join us for this webinar to mark World Immunization Week! The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the importance of vaccines as one of the great scientific innovations of our time. To end the pandemic, the majority of the world needs to be immune to COVID-19 and the safest way to achieve this is with a vaccine.
read moreApril 2021 - Virtual workshops and panels are planned for throughout the weekend of June 12-13. You’ll have the opportunity to listen, learn and access education and information, tips and best practice on taking action, and be able to connect with fellow advocates from around the world.
read moreMarch 2021 - Join us for this webinar organized by Partners in Health Canada, Results Canada, and Stop TB Canada for an open discussion with distinguished speakers who will share their valuable experience and insights on how we can work together to take meaningful, high-impact action to end both TB and COVID-19 once and for all.
read moreFebruary 2021 - Results Canada is hosting an interactive, year-long webinar series that will help equip you with the skills and knowledge needed to be an active advocate for eradicating poverty worldwide. Whether you’re new to advocacy or a seasoned Results volunteer, you will benefit from topics following two broad streams: skills expansion and issues knowledge.
read moreFebruary 2021 - More than 4,000 people die every day from tuberculosis (TB). To raise awareness, the international community puts the spotlight on World TB Day every year on March 24. It is a globally recognized day for people around the world to stand in solidarity with the millions of people who suffer from TB, and the millions who have lost their lives.
Read morefrom action to impact: advocacy to inspire hope and solutions in uncertain times A big thank you to everyone who attended our National Conference on November 14 and 15 – our first virtual conference ever! You have all helped reignite our conviction tha ...
Read moreJune 2022 - This AGM, we will focus on the real power of Results – our volunteers. We would like to recognize and celebrate you as the incredible people who volunteer their time and build their expertise to support our organization’s mission.
read moreJune 2021 - We are excited to announce Alice Albright, champion for global education and CEO of the Global Partnership for Education (GPE), will be guest speaking at the opening of Results Canada’s Annual General Meeting on June 22, 2021. Photo: GPE CEO Alice Albright during a school visit to the Masorie Primary School. Ms. Albright was in Sierra Leone for the launch of a GPE-supported program.
read moreJune 2020 - Although it won’t be possible to meet in Washington DC this year, virtual workshops and panels are planned throughout the weekend of June 20-21. You’ll have the opportunity to listen, learn and access education and information, tips and best practice on taking action, and be able to connect with fellow advocates from around the world.
Read moreHave you recently joined as a volunteer or you want to know more about volunteering? Register for one of our upcoming online information sessions.
Read moreSeptember 2020 - Join our quarterly national call in English organized for active volunteers on Sunday, September 13 at 7pm ET. This is the working call that you want to join to get the latest details on the campaigns/issues we work on and insights and intel from staff. We look forward to discussing with you and answer your questions! Register to participate.
Read moreMay 2020 - We are excited to announce public health specialist Dr. Joia Mukherjee as our guest speaker at Results Canada’s Annual General Meeting. Starting at 7pm ET, Dr. Mukherjee will share her insight on the world we need from her vantage point as Associate Professor at Harvard Medical School and Chief Medical Officer of the renowned pro-poor […]
Read moreApril 2020 - Join the Ontario Council for International Cooperation (OCIC) and Results Canada in this Advocacy Bootcamp Series to strengthen your skills as an advocate for sustainable development and global poverty issues. Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals will require collaboration across sectors, disciplines, and regions. This includes working with governments and policy makers. Without committed advocacy to our policy makers, we […]
Read moreApril 2020 - Did you know that since 2000, the world has successfully reduced deaths by vaccine-preventable diseases by 70%, saving millions of lives? This is a good news story and a reminder that vaccines can help protect us from some of the world’s worst diseases. As the world prepares to respond to and fight COVID-19, immunization programs, […]
Read moreJanuary 2020 - Every year, the international community puts the spotlight on TB by highlighting World TB Day on March 24. It is a globally recognized occasion for people around the world to stand in solidarity with the millions of people who suffer from TB, and the millions who have lost their lives.
Read more