COVID-19 and its impact on global health

By: Lisa Published: 19/03/2020

As we continue to grapple with the coronavirus pandemic, we know it will take everyone working together to tackle this global health crisis. We are regularly updating this page with information, FAQs, relevant articles and resources to support you in communicating and advocating for the world’s most vulnerable populations.

Canada leads in the global COVID-19 response

December 14: Canada stepped up and committed critical leadership and investments to the ACT-Accelerator as part of the global response to save lives and end the pandemic sooner. Click here to read the full announcement.

September 29: Canada invests CAD$400 million in new and additional aid to fight COVID-19

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a commitment of CAD$400 million in new and additional aid to address the humanitarian impacts of COVID-19 on those most vulnerable around the world.

June 27: Article: Canada pledges $300 million to address humanitarian concerns of COVID-19 abroad

Results Canada’s Executive Director Chris Dendys has been quoted in a recent CBC article by Mike Blanchfield. Read the full article.

May 25: Impact of COVID-19 on Global Poverty Reduction

The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed to us the frailty of even the strongest health systems worldwide. Read how COVID-19 impacts the issues that Results Canada works on.

May 11: Article: AIDS, TB and malaria set to get deadlier due to coronavirus

Our Executive Director Chris Dendys has been quoted in Forbes by Madhukar Pai. Read the full article.

An exchange of goods alongside a ferry in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of Congo

April 13: Article: Post-pandemic rebuild should also address global poverty

Our Executive Director Chris Dendys shares 8 lessons COVID-19 teaches us about the world we want and the world we need. Read the full article featured in Policy Options.

March 26: Do's and Don'ts: How to talk about poverty and coronavirus

Words are powerful and the way we choose to communicate as global health advocates is important. We’ve put together messaging tips for you to consider when talking about poverty and the coronavirus. Read our do’s and don’ts.

Results Canada logo

March 16: Words from our Executive Director on COVID-19

Read a note from Results Canada Executive Director Chris Dendys on COVID-19 and working together in unprecedented times.


Is Results still open?

Yes, we are. Staff are available to help and support you in your important advocacy work. Note however that the Results Canada office is physically closed with our staff working from home until further notice. Staff will still be able to access the information and resources needed to support you, and little will change with regard to the Results website, e-mail updates and actions, and online resources. We ask for your patience and understanding if certain requests are delayed. If any changes in Results activities and events are needed, we will notify you at the earliest possible time.

If you have a question for staff, please email them directly {firstname} You can also contact

Should I still do advocacy work with Results?

Absolutely! Refer to our website for the latest details on our ongoing campaigns. Make sure to sign up to our email list so that you can get the latest details in your email inbox.  

Ending extreme poverty doesn’t stop during this crisis. As with most crises and natural disasters, it is the world’s most vulnerable communities that typically experience the greatest hardship. We must keep up our advocacy efforts to push for resources and policies that will help people meet their basic needs in this crisis and beyond. 

Raise your voice to show support for initiatives that address the needs of the poorest and most vulnerable at home and abroad. Writing letters, using social media, making phone calls, sending emails, and generating media are all things that can be done online in the comfort of your own home. Now is also the time to do a deeper dive learning about the issues you care about and working on building up your advocacy skill set

If you need to do some kind of coordinated activity involving your group, set up a free Zoom account, Skype, Google Hangouts or other free video conferencing service to connect and plan. Consult this document for tips on virtual meetings. Consider also using online collaborative tools like a private Facebook group, a free subscription to Slack and using the online Google suite.

Should my group get together in person for monthly E&A meetings?

No. Results has always promoted the importance and value of in-person gatherings in our advocacy work, but for now we recommend against getting together in person until public health authorities say otherwise. Our volunteers’ health and safety are paramount. Here are some considerations in light of the COVID-19 outbreak:

  • For the monthly E&A meeting or to gather with your fellow Results volunteers, please transition to connecting virtually. Set up a free video conferencing account. Consult this document for tips on virtual meetings.
  • Do not plan public events until your local health officials say it is ok.
  • Consider joining our online volunteer community. Email us to learn how.
  • Join our Facebook group to keep the conversation going and email us to be part of our Google Groups listserv so that you’re always in the loop.

Is the Results Canada National Conference still taking place on May 2-4, 2020?

No. As an organization that prioritizes advocacy in support of global health, we feel strongly that advancing policies and taking actions that are supportive of health security is not only appropriate, but the right approach.

Save the date for Results Canada's virtual National Conference on November 14 & 15, 2020. Event details will be sent out soon – stay tuned!

Are MPs still working and would they still receive my communication?

Yes and Yes! MPs are working around the clock to ensure the safety and well-being of their constituents - they are certainly listening and responding during this time, however they might be slow to respond due to the volume of calls and emails. Please visit your local MPs social media page or website to find updates on the best way to reach them whether that be by email, to request a phone call or a virtual meeting. Consult your tools to learn more on how to engage with your MP.

What about the media?

Now more than ever, everyone’s paying attention to the news. Write your letter to the editor or your op-ed by using your tools provided by Results Canada.

How can I take action virtually or online?

There are a lot of ways you can take action on issues related to our current campaigns. Here are some things you can do from the comfort of your home:

  1. use social media
  2. write/email your Member of Parliament (MP)
  3. write a letter to the editor (LTE)
  4. write an op-ed

Consult your tools provided by Results Canada that will give you the resources you need to take action.

What are some trusted sources that I should be following?

sign up and get informed

Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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