Celebrating our volunteer award winners

By: Results Canada Published: 08/05/2023

Behind every success story at Results lies passionate and selfless volunteers. Our volunteers are #GameChangers who play a critical role in advocating for ending global poverty by ensuring decision-makers prioritize global health equity, access to quality education, and economic inclusion. None of our work would be possible without the tireless efforts of our volunteers.

Our volunteers come from all walks of life and bring a diverse range of skills and experiences. They are united by a shared passion for making the world a better place and a commitment to taking action to create change.

It goes without saying that all our volunteers deserve to be thanked and celebrated for all they do to make the world a better place. We also provide special awards to those who have done exceptional work. Here are the 2023 recipients of the awards presented at the 2023 National Conference.

Congratulations to all of you!

2023 volunteer award winners

outstanding youth award

Alice Kim, London Volunteer

Alice stands out amongst her peers, actively takes monthly actions, and has gone above and beyond to advocate for a world without poverty.

most active new volunteers award

Preety Sharma and Victoria Cassar, 2023 Results fellows

Preety and Victoria started volunteering with Results in January 2023 and since then, they’ve already made a profound impact.

behind the scenes award

Manroop Minhas, Provincial Leader in Ontario

Manroop understands the importance of making sure operations run smoothly, is active behind the scenes, and helps support the production of resources and tools.

John Hotson lifetime achievement award

Randy Rudolph, Calgary Group Leader

Named after the person who brought Results to Canada, the John Hotson Lifetime Achievement Award goes to a volunteer who exhibits the core values of Results. Randy has been advocating for years and continues to work hard to end extreme poverty.

mentor award

Norm Filiol, Ottawa Volunteer

Norm is always willing to support others and has taken on leadership roles providing guidance to other volunteers.

outstanding group volunteer award

Nina Huynh, Ottawa Volunteer and Marnie Shaw, Calgary Volunteer

Nina and Marnie are dedicated advocates who inspire others to get involved and educate their peers about the mission of our organization.

leadership award

Imran Muhammad Idrees, Mississauga Group Leader

Imran demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, such as the ability to lead by example and motivate and inspire others. He dedicated time to revive the Mississauga group into a thriving and more active crew.

innovation award

Jacob Sablan, Vancouver volunteer and PIH-UBC Advocacy Lead

Jacob brings innovative ideas into the advocacy space and made significant impacts and contributions.

power duo award

Ashely Gill and Julie Yoon, Vancouver Group Leaders

Ashley and Julie built a group from scratch, working collectively to advocate for ending extreme poverty.

recognition award

Charanya Thiyanavadivel, OCIC Board Representative

Charanya is Results’ representative on the OCIC board. We are grateful for her dedication to this important role.

If you are inspired by these incredible #GameChangers, join us! Sign up to volunteer here.

2020 volunteer award winners

  • behind the scenes award - Jeanette Aubin
  • best recruiter award – Aimé Pingi
  • best volunteer spirit award – Roshelle Filart
  • chameleon award – Sherry Moran
  • John Hotson lifetime achievement award – Randy Rudolph
  • mentor award – Anita Mark
  • most active new volunteers award – Nina Huynh and Franck Potwora
  • outstanding youth volunteer award – Courtney Campbell
  • social media butterfly award – Norm Filiol
  • spokesperson award – Sam Weller

2018 volunteer award winners

  • John Hotson award - Pamela Walden-Landry
  • lifetime achievement - Anita Mark
  • lifetime achievement - Larry Ladell

2016 volunteer award winners

  • John Hotson award - Jean-François Tardif
  • lifetime achievement - Yvon Dupuis

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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