ask your MP this urgent question - campaign 1
With 2025 in full swing and an election soon on the horizon, it’s critically important that we make sure that parliamentarians from all parties know that the folks in their ridings (that’s you!) care about Canada’s global leadership in the fight to end extreme poverty. Tell them why you care about a world free from […]
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light up a monument in red for TB! - Campaign 1
World Tuberculosis Day is March 24, but the planning has already started, including the campaign to light up monuments in red to raise awareness for the world’s deadliest infectious disease. It is crucial to start early because it can take weeks or even months to get approval to light up a building or monument in […]
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Write an LTE - Campaign 1
Write a letter to the editor (LTE) highlighting the need for Canada to step-up and invest in immunization, good nutrition, and access to education – the critical building blocks of flourishing communities. By investing in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, investing in nutrition at the Nutrition for Growth Summit, and by centring education at the upcoming […]
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Use Social Media - Campaign 1
Use your voice on social media to tell International Development Minister Ahmed Hussen that you care about global issues, and Canada stepping up to end extreme poverty worldwide. By investing in Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance, investing in nutrition at the Nutrition for Growth Summit, and by centring education at the upcoming G7 Summit, Canada will […]
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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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