use your voice on social media



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write a Letter to the Editor (LTE)

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why write an LTE

Write an LTE if you want to make your opinion heard in a timely manner. You don’t need a lot of research, and your LTE can be brief and to-the-point - just 150-200 words! When time is of the essence, choose to write an LTE.

expert fact

Once submitted, you can track your letter by doing an internet search of your name and following up with the publication to find out if/when it is getting published.

secret tip

Your letter doesn’t have to be perfect, and you don’t have to be an expert to have an opinion. You simply need to care.

use your voice on social media

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why use social media

Use your voice on social media to tell Canada why they need to pass a #BudgetForLeadership.

expert fact

Tweets with images can receive approximately 160% more retweets than those without.

secret tip

When posting on social media, be genuine and speak from the heart. People want to connect with other human beings online, so be yourself and it'll help you get your message across!

Call-to-action summary: 

2025 is an important year, with Canada taking over the G7 Presidency, an election looming, and the deadline for the Sustainable Development Goals fast approaching. Budget 2025 is a critical opportunity for us to push the government to keep its promise of growing Canada’s international assistance. We must ensure a #BudgetForLeadership that commits an additional $650 million for a healthier, more equitable world.

Use your voice on social media to tell Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Dominic LeBlanc that you care about global issues. By passing a #BudgetForLeadership that increases Canada’s International Assistance Envelope by $650 million, Canada will help educate, immunize, and nourish millions worldwide.

Tweet instantly (click below) 

Canada must pass a #BudgetForLeadership that will educate, immunize and nourish millions worldwide. @DLeBlancNB and @JustinTrudeau: We must step up as a global leader and increase our International Assistance Envelope by $650M in #Budget2025! #cdnpoli #TogetherWeLead @ResultsCda 

Instagram/Facebook/LinkedIn post (copy and paste into your social media and download the graphic below to add a visual!): 

Canada is a global leader and the globe needs us right now to help educate, immunize, and nourish millions worldwide. #Budget2025 is a critical opportunity for the government to keep its promise of growing Canada’s international assistance. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Minister Dominic LeBlanc: we must step up and increase our International Assistance Envelope by $650 million in 2025 and pass a #BudgetForLeadership! Because #TogetherWeLead.

👉 Join me in taking action to stand up for the world with @ResultsCda 


Long-press or double-click to save one of these images then post it along with your message on social media!
All of our voices together can change the world and the lives that others live.

– Clarecia Christie, former Results Canada board member

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