
“the whole is greater than the sum of its parts” Aristotle

Formal partners and affiliates in more than a dozen countries – and a coordinated network of advocates working together in dozens more – allow us to be even greater than the sum of our parts. 

We work across borders with other Results offices and members of the ACTION partnership to increase global investment in the fight against poverty, hold governments accountable, and change policy at the local, national, and international level.

Together we set bold global targets, and then we develop advocacy strategies that reflect our diversity to drive lasting and impactful change worldwide.

global Results offices

The will to build a powerful, global voice has expanded internationally and today Results exists in other countries outside of Canada, including the United States, the United KingdomJapan and Australia. All Results offices work with local volunteers and government decision makers in their own countries, as well as with other partners to create one united global voice to combat extreme poverty.

ACTION Partnership

ACTION Partnership logo

Results belongs to the ACTION Partnership. Founded in 2005, ACTION is a global health advocacy partnership of organizations working to influence policy and mobilize resources across four continents to fight diseases of poverty and improve equitable access to health services.

Our collective impact includes:

  • In the past six years alone, ACTION has helped generate over $20 billion in new resources for the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria;
  • Since 2011, ACTION helped persuade leaders to pledge over $8 billion to Gavi, the Vaccines Alliance. Since 2000, Gavi has supported countries to immunize half a billion children in the world’s most impoverished countries;
  • ACTION was integral to the success of the June 2013 Nutrition for Growth summit in London, where ACTION-targeted countries committed $3 billion to scale up the global response to undernutrition.

Our ACTION partners include:

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Everyday people empowered to generate the political will to end extreme poverty. Change is possible.
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